Mörgum spurningum ósvarað
8.10.2009 | 11:32
Í dag er eitt ár liðið frá því að bresk yfirvöld beittu ákvæum hryðjuverkalaga á íslenska ríkið, Seðlabanka Íslands og Landsbankann. InDefence sendi frá sér yfirlýsingu af þessu tilefni sem lesa má í heild sinni hér.
Í gær birti vefútgáfa breska blaðsins Telegraph áhugaverða grein þar sem hluti atburðarásarinnar er rekinn og spurningum velt upp um það sem ekki hefur verið útskýrt. ÞAr segir meðal annars:
"A much harsher fate befell Landsbanki: although defaulted in Iceland the Treasury put out a freezing order on Landsbanki by using the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001. The Treasury believed that action to the detriment of the UKs economy (or part of it) has been or is likely to be taken by certain persons who are the government of or resident of a country or territory outside the UK.
This Delphic utterance meant that suddenly the Anti-Terrorism Act was able to target the whole of Iceland, with serious effect for the countrys companies and individuals. It took weeks for the Treasury to define the target more accurately. However, the Treasury has never clarified why this nuclear option was necessary. What dreadful deeds did the Treasury so fear that only the Anti-Terrorism Act would do? Or was this only an unfortunate sign of nerves?
There has been no answer as yet ...
Now, a year later, many EU central bankers feel that Iceland was unjustly hit by unclear EU directives on deposits as Iceland struggled with the Icesave debts. The Icelandic government has not clarified what it knew of the UK action on October 3 and possibly earlier, if the Icelandic Central Bank knew that the FSA had taken action against Kaupthing before the loan of 500m was issued. It is unclear why the British government was so complacent in the summer of 2008. The Government has kept quiet as to why the Dutch bank was used, what necessitated the use of the Anti-Terrorism Act and its still a mystery why the Icelandic banks were allowed to operate unfettered in the UK."
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Það er mikill sómi af ykkar starfi. Bestu þakkir.
Gunnar Kristinn Þórðarson (IP-tala skráð) 10.10.2009 kl. 17:23
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